Wow, that's a great game.
BTW, my record for the drag strip is 0.501, so beat that.
Wow, that's a great game.
BTW, my record for the drag strip is 0.501, so beat that.
Go(o)d Damn
There's thirteen of these in a dozen, but still this is cool. The only two things bother me in this:
1)downgrading is possible, bad thing
2) you can't destroy the pickups, something
Anydangway, this is the best of it's kind. KUTGW!
Great idea.
Ehm... You called this a tutorial. I would call it a brief how-tos, because the text is like:
"Now I'll teach you blah blah. XD Put a thing in there and then do that and select that and put some align there somewhere and then it looks like this. :o Then select that frame and after that do this and select next frame :-)..."
You don't get a clue.
And try go on less emoticons and smilies, and more... professional text like you would write the text for two bags of flour.
"Now you'll learn blah blah. First, draw about .... sized oval and double-click on it to select the fill and the stroke.."
And theitalianblob: where did you get that violence to ten? :D
I thinks its good when everything is explained with a bit of humour. i dont like it well its all explained very dull... thats boring (thats why i never read the label of a bag of flour) :P
Mm... a spall smelling... erm, small spelling mistake:
"First I'm going to learn you how to..."...
Shouldn't it be
"First I'm going to TEACH you how to..."...
Anyway, great idea, and I love the second version too.
i know. but you can see i improved my english a lot when you saw the second one. the second one doesnt have that much spelling erors
u hav AIDS LOLZ!!1!
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Helsinki, Finland
Joined on 2/9/05